Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dating again after a recent break up?

Breaking up at the end of a relationship, no matter how long, is not easy. We are constantly meeting new people in our everyday lives but how many do we stop and approach? Both in my own personal experience, as well as dating advice I recieved years ago, the biggest obstacle in preparing for a date is gaining the confidece you are a likeable person. The firt thing to do is think about what makes you the person she has been looking for. I'm not talking about any specific trait or attribute, but what is it that makes you the guy you are. Establishing yourself as a man on his own (without being cocky or over confident) can be an important part of the whole process that keeps your date interested. As well, avoid talking about your most recent relationship unless the other person brings it up. Nothing says "I'm not over my ex" more then someone who relates every event back to their past relationship. She wants to know your interested in her and that the past is the past. These two area's are just a few pointers that can help your date go well even if you recently stepped out of a relationship.

So how do you that its not to soon? make sure you back up and ready to start dating again and that your comfortable with the fact that this time should be different from your last and your ok with that. If your still caught up on your previous relationship it won't be fair to you or the new person thats interested in building a valuable relationship

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